From a Character to a Voice. On the Increasingly Libretto-Like Character of Contemporary Drama


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How to Cite

Karasińska, M. (2022). From a Character to a Voice. On the Increasingly Libretto-Like Character of Contemporary Drama. Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (42), 77–96. (Original work published September 30, 2022)


The analyses presented in the article reverse the traditional course of studies which assume that the poetics of a dramatic text is instrumentally superior to that of the libretto. In order to adapt the hypothesis that contemporary drama is increasingly libretto-like, inserted into its structure is, excerpted by opera theatre researchers, the libretto poetics treated as a genealogical directive specific to the genre which differentiates it from the “third kind” in its classical expressions. The breakup of the basic categories constituting a drama ( character, dialogue and plot ) brings it visibly closer to the traditional operatic libretto with features characterised by Albert Gier, among others. The post-dramatic aesthetics adapted by contemporary opera and drama, which removes the character or reduces it to a voice treated merely as a medium, absolutising the way a word sounds and the poetics of a transsystemic remix all result in the emergence of a common aesthetics of the stage chimaera genre.
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