Borderline On Fire: a Historical Television Series as a Cultural Text or as an Attempt at Reconstructing the “Holy War” in Polish–German Relations of the Years 1917–1939
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intelligence service
secret agent
“holy war”
international politics

How to Cite

Mańke, Z. (2023). Borderline On Fire: a Historical Television Series as a Cultural Text or as an Attempt at Reconstructing the “Holy War” in Polish–German Relations of the Years 1917–1939. Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (44), 149–167.


This article attempts to present the television series as a distinctive text which can persuasively and therefore effectively appeal to contemporary viewers, providing them with an insight into the events of a predefined period of Polish and German history, arousing certain emotions and thoughts or, in a general sense, even making them reflect on the history of both nations. With its attractive storyline based on, among other things, the dramaturgy of the presented events, this type of series can be perceived, to some extent, to be part of contemporary historical narration.
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