From revision to apostasy, and between public discourse and literary discourse. On the poems of the Polish thaw
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Polish poetry in the 20th century
October watershed

How to Cite

Stankowska, A. (2017). From revision to apostasy, and between public discourse and literary discourse. On the poems of the Polish thaw. Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (29), 247–259.


The text is a book review of an Wiersze polskiej „odwilży” (1953-1957)  (Kielce 2010). This is the first monograph of this subject, and it has a great documentary value. The author based his well-researched study on detailed archival queries in contemporary press, magazines, and leaflets. The author compared the found texts with their authors’ published poetry books, traced the relations between content, censorship interventions in reprints, and subsequent authorial modifications, which were often aimed at universalization of a poem initially written as an urgent public statement. The author meticulously reconstructed the communicational problems of thaw poems and collections.
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