Cassiodorus’ views on the principles of ruling in various high offices on the basis of 11th and 12th Books of Variae
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praetorian prefect
governmental office
the Ostrogothic Kingdom

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Kieling, M. . (2021). Cassiodorus’ views on the principles of ruling in various high offices on the basis of 11th and 12th Books of Variae. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 40, 47–64.


In the article the author presents the principles of ruling in various high offices on the basis of Variae by Cassiodorus – the work of great importance to historiography and the European culture. The work consists of twelve books – official documents and the royal ones from the years 489-538. On the basis of the source text, especially books 11th and 12th of Variae, the most important documents are analysed. These documents were written at the time of serving in the administration of the king of Ostrogoths, when Cassiodorus was the praetorian prefect. The paper is divided into four parts. The first point is devoted to the description and the scope of activity of the praetorian prefect, pointing to his high qualifications, integrity and responsibility for the country. In the second point the author presents the two rules that should be followed by officials: being obedient and loyal to the authority, as well as preserving the law. The next point is devoted to preferment and the payment officials received, which resulted from working in public service. The last point is devoted to combating corruption and malpractice, especially bribery, theft and breaking the law. The issues raised in this paper are still current and the principles of ruling in various high offices proposed by Cassiodorus are still of high standards for the person who holds an office in the government.
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