Among the New Testament writings, there is a very short letter (3 John), traditionally attributed to the apostle John, which is almost entirely devoted to the theme of Christian hospitality, even towards strangers, who, thanks to the warm openness of Christians, become their guests. It is this idea which is the subject of the study in this article. After basic information about the sender and addressee of the letter, the passages containing Gaius’ praise of hospitality towards his brothers are analysed (1:5.6.8). Although in the first instance, recommended hospitality refers to Christian brothers, including those strangers, i.e. those not personally known to Gaius, who set out to preach the Gospel, the letter also advises an equal attitude towards any strangers (including non-Christians). This has an important evangelistic significance, because due to the Christian hospitality they can concretely experience God’s goodness and recognise in the disciples of Jesus the followers of God Himself, who is the Father of all people.
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