The Good Friday Oration for Non-Christians in the Background of the 20th Century Liturgical Reforms
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Good Friday orations
liturgical reforms

Comment citer

Mielnik, D. (2021). The Good Friday Oration for Non-Christians in the Background of the 20th Century Liturgical Reforms. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 39, 85–98.


The paper is an attempt to compare the three versions of the Good Friday Solemn Intercessions for non-Christians. It was made possible by juxtaposing and analysing the prayers in the light of their particular phrases. The paper was divided into two parts. The first one shows the three prayers and their historical contexts, while the other analyses their contexts. As a result, the process of decreasing the pejorative way of presenting non-Christians could clearly be seen. There is also a tendency for emphasizing elements shared by Christians and non-Christians. Finally, the comparison of the versions emphasises the transition from the salvific dimension to temporality.
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