Georges Vasilievich Florovsky (1893–1979) was a prominent 20th century Orthodox priest, theologian and writer involved in the ecumenical movement. In his writing he addressed almost every aspect of the Christian life. G. Florovsky is part of the great emigration of Russian intellectuals, together with M. Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, M. Lossky, A. Schumann and J. Meyndorf. In his speech to Orthodox theologians gathered in Athens in 1936, he emphasized that the doctrine of energies is one of the truths that needs to be rediscovered by Orthodox theology. His teachings on this subject can be found primarily in three studies: Твар и тварность, Понятие творения у святителя Афанася Великого, Святитель Григoрий Палама и трaдиция Отцов. The starting point for Florovsky’s thought is the thesis that the created world does not have to exist. Creation finds its foundation in God’s will, not in God’s nature or essence. The distinction between nature/essence and will becomes the basis for G. Florovsky to justify the distinction between essence and energies in God. The distinction between essence and energies is effectively the distinction between necessity and free will. This, in turn, becomes the basis for the proper ontological distinction between God and creation. The energies represent God’s will and grace that make creation and new creation (deification) possible. The energies are understood as the action of the entire undivided Holy Trinity.
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