Can a forced partnership be the key to success? On Turkey-EU relations in the age of migration crisis
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Migration crisis
European Union

How to Cite

Potera, N. (2020). Can a forced partnership be the key to success? On Turkey-EU relations in the age of migration crisis. Refleksje. Pismo Naukowe studentów I doktorantów WNPiD UAM, (19-20), 221–233.


The aim of the article is to show the relations between Turkey and the EU in the era of the migration crisis. The author focuses on the presentation of subsequent stages of cooperation between the above-mentioned parties and presents the process of concluding individual contracts. Despite numerous criticisms, mainly from the European side, cooperation between entities is continued. Thanks to the agreement signed in 2016, Turkey is continuing its efforts to provide unprecedented humanitarian assistance and support to more than 3.5 million refugees from Syria and about 365,000 refugees from other countries. At the moment, the political rank of the Turkey-EU talks has been reduced to the level of European commissioners and Turkish ministers. Turkey, mainly due to its geopolitical situation, now appears as an indispensable partner, which alone can effectively minimize the threats posed by the migration crisis.
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