Crying in the desert. About Józef Patkowski in the context of biography "Ambassador of Music from Mars" by Agnieszka Pindera
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Józef Patkowski
Polish Radio Experimental Studio
Polish musical avant-garde
Polish electronic music

How to Cite

Atys, S. (2020). Crying in the desert. About Józef Patkowski in the context of biography "Ambassador of Music from Mars" by Agnieszka Pindera. Res Facta Nova. Teksty O Muzyce współczesnej, (21 (30), 142–150.

Number of views: 206

Number of downloads: 159


The article is a review of book Patkowski. Ambassador of Music from Mars by Agnieszka Pindera, the first biography of Józef Patkowski, Polish musicologist, founder and longtime manager of the Polish Radio Experimental Studio. It contains a summary and evaluation of the book from a musicological perspective. Particular attention was paid to the previously unknown facts about Patkowski’s life established by the author. The text refers to the broad problems of the reception of electronic and avant-garde music in Poland and to the new wave of interest in the SEPR heritage.
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Horyzonty muzyki, oprac. Józef Patkowski, Anna Skrzyńska, PWM, Kraków 1969.

Pindera Agnieszka, Patkowski. Ambasador muzyki z Marsa, Fundacja Automatophone, Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi, Warszawa– Łódź 2019.

Topolski Jan, Moda na eksperyment, „Dwutygodnik” 2013 t. 4 nr 104, (29.04.2020).

Winckel Fritz, Osobliwości słyszenia muzycznego, przeł. Józef Patkowski, Krzysztof Szlifirski, PWN, Warszawa 1965.