Res Facta Nova. Teksty o muzyce współczesnej

Current Issue

No. 22 (31) (2021)
Published 2021 December 15

"Res Facta Nova" is an academic journal devoted to contemporary music. From the beginning (it was founded in 1967), regardless of the vicissitudes of Polish culture and cultural policies, it has been an important landmark in the musicological, critical-musical and music-related writings in Poland. Among the journal’s founders were Michał Bristiger, Stefan Jarociński, Józef Patkowski and Mieczysław Tomaszewski.

INDEXED IN: DOAJ, ERIH Plus, Index-Copernicus (ICI Journals Master List), POL-index, CEEOL, Google Scholar, Bibliografia Geografii Polskiej, Arianta, WorldCat, MOST Wiedzy

Ministry of Education and Science (2023): 40

ICV 2021: 78.61

DOI: 10.14746/rfn

ISSN: 1897-824X ISSN (Online): 2544-9303

ARTICLES ARE LICENSED UNDER A Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

The Res Facta Nova comply with I40C standarts for open citations.



Michał Klubiński
Zygmunt Mycielski – Michał Bristiger: Dialogues with Andrzej Panufnik and Socialist Realism in the Background
PDF (Język Polski)
Irena Poniatowska
Michał Bristiger’s Translation of Chopin in “De Musica” Based on a Book by Lucien Bourguès and Alexandre Denéréaz
PDF (Język Polski)
Barbara Mielcarek-Krzyżanowska
“The Master Must Affirm the Pupil, the Pupil Affirms the Master in his Role and Position”: About the Relationship between Karol Szymanowski and Zygmunt Mycielski
PDF (Język Polski)
Dominika Micał
“I” Written for Five Voices? Polyphony of the Madrigal since 1950
PDF (Język Polski)
Monika Prusak
Nonsense Madrigals by György Ligeti: The Musical Sense of Nonsense between Chaos and Order
Magdalena Stochniol
Songs of Pain and Despair: On "Northern Songs" (1973) by Andrzej Krzanowski
PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Bartos
The "Disappearing World" – Rainforests from the Cycle "Ekomuzyka" by Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil
PDF (Język Polski)
Weronika Kassner
Reductionism in Henryk Mikołaj Górecki’s Flute Works from 1986–1996
PDF (Język Polski)
Agnieszka Nowok-Zych
“What Do You Think The Gypsy Bible Is?”: A description of op. 57 by Mieczysław Wajnberg (Weinberg): On the Trail of Dmitri Shostakovich
PDF (Język Polski)
Bogusław Raba
Tonal-Harmonic Trajectory as an Expression of Narrative Archetype of Mystical Union in the Works of Charles Tournemire and Alexander Scriabin
PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Siechowicz
Between "The Barber of Seville" and "The Ring of the Nibelung". Contribution to a Musical Reflection on Money and the Economics of Creativity
PDF (Język Polski)
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