The Instrument for Stability in West Africa - the conditions, implementation mechanism and efficiency of the projects for fighting organized crime in 2007-2013
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How to Cite

PRZYBYLSKA-MASZNER, B. (2013). The Instrument for Stability in West Africa - the conditions, implementation mechanism and efficiency of the projects for fighting organized crime in 2007-2013. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (7), 97–116.


The purpose o f this paper is to present the Instrument for Stability as an instrument financing activities in the field of combating organized crime, based on the example of projects implemented in West Africa. The paper attempts to analyze the mechanisms for implementation of resources within this instrument, while particularly emphasizing the conditions for project implementation and the elements that provide for their efficiency. The primary assumption presented in the paper is that the Instrument for Stability can be considered to be among the most efficient mechanisms o f the EU’s external activities in West Africa. Despite criticism regarding its individual elements, the instrument provides financial foundations for EU activities to support the maintenance o f security in West African countries and, more importantly, providing protection from significant threats to European security, such as the development of organized crime.
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