Integration and disintegration in Central Europe. Border twin towns as laboratories of transborder cooperation
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JAŃCZAK, J. (2013). Integration and disintegration in Central Europe. Border twin towns as laboratories of transborder cooperation. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (7), 265–280.


The purpose of this analysis is to take a look at integration and disintegration processes in Central Europe from the perspective o f twin towns. The premise o f the paper is the statement that the integration processes, as seen from the perspective of the border, evidence deboundarization, which is inspired by continental integration, but also show the presence of the contradictory phenomenon of defrontierization following accession. These processes depend on the category of boundaries in a region and are related to the context o f bilateral relations between neighboring countries, as well as to the Europeanization of the internal and external borders of the Schengenzone.
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