The assumptions of the European Union’s transportation policy in the 21st century. Conditions, challenges, operating strategies
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JASKULSKI, A. (2013). The assumptions of the European Union’s transportation policy in the 21st century. Conditions, challenges, operating strategies. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (7), 281–292.


The objective of this paper is to analyze the conditions, challenges and strategy of the European Union’s transportation policy in the years to come in relation to the initiatives the European Commission has recently undertaken within this sector policy of the European Union. The paper presents the transformations that have taken place as regards the assumptions  of the transportations policy, mainly in terms o f EU activities aimed at resolving the horizontal problems of the transportation sector while departing from focusing solely on the problems of concrete means of transportation. The following can be considered the main challenges faced by EU transportation policy: reducing the negative impact o f transportation on the natural environment, reducing congestion, expanding multimodal infrastructure and full internalization of external costs of transport.
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