Promotion of democracy by the West in Eastern Europe in the 21st century
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promotion of democracy
rule of law
market economy the European Union
Western Balkans
former USRR states

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ZIĘBA, R. (2018). Promotion of democracy by the West in Eastern Europe in the 21st century. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (11), 71–88.


The Western states and their international institutions (the European Union and NATO) followed the liberal ideology in the 21st century to continue the policy of promoting democracy, the rule of law, human rights and market economy towards the former communist states in the Western Balkans and the former USSR. The biggest impediment to their policy is Russia, which believes that Western states are actually pursuing the goals of extending their sphere of influence and compromising its security interests. The biggest confrontation between the West and Russia took place in 2014 in Ukraine, when the EU and the USA supported the pro-Western aspirations of the new authorities of the country, which emerged as a result of several months of street demonstrations in Kyiv. The Ukraine crisis has caused difficulties in international cooperation and deterioration of international security in the Euro-Atlantic zone.
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