The EU’s international policy vs. the instability of the southern and eastern neighbourhood
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European Union
EU’s international policy
Eastern neighbourhood
Southern neighbourhood

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PODRAZA, A., & STĘPNIEWSKI, T. (2018). The EU’s international policy vs. the instability of the southern and eastern neighbourhood. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (11), 89–102.


The European Union is facing numerous internal and external crises which may affect its future operations. The crises may undermine the present integration model. They may even result in the EU’s considerable transformation and exert impact upon its international position. The crises stem from member states’ vast differences of opinion on methods for dealing with the internal and external challenges. The most critical of the challenges include the Eurozone crisis, attitude towards refugees and migrants from the Near East and Africa, and diverse approaches towards Russia in connection with the annexation of Crimea and with the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. They all illustrate a deep rift not only among member states but also within individual countries of the EU.
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