For the new policy of relaxation
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European security policy
prevention of war

How to Cite

Crome, E. (2019). For the new policy of relaxation. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (13), 85–92.


One of the great illusions at the end of the bloc confrontation was that lasting peace, security and stability would prevail in Europe. In fact, new areas of tension have emerged. NATO was practically extended to the Russian border, although the Soviet Union had been promised otherwise in 1990. World military spending is a quarter higher than at the end of the Cold War. Germany is once again the central power of Europe west of Russia, and the return of the “German question” has become a problem again. The coup in Kiev and the integration of the Crimea into Russia in 2014 and the subsequent reciprocal sanctions between the EU and Russia have further aggravated tensions However, it is important to say goodbye to all warfare scenarios, strictly follow a concept of war prevention and provide political solutions that can only be achieved on the basis of peaceful coexistence and a new policy of détente.
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