Hungarian referendum on distribution of migration quotas. What about the European solidarity?


refugee crisis
solidarity in the European Union

How to Cite

Musiał-Karg, M. (2019). Hungarian referendum on distribution of migration quotas. What about the European solidarity?. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (13), 143–152.


In recent years national referenda have become popular instruments for making decisions on very problematic European issues (Grexit, Brexit, migration crisis). The Hungarian vote of 2016 on refugee quotas distribution seems to be one of them. Next to its importance in the Euopean context, the 2016 referendum was devoted to a very difficult and socially important problem. It is argued that this national referendum was a maneuver of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban against the European Union, its solidarity and common interests. Having in mind that the migration crises should be treated as a joint challenge for the entire EU and all its member states should take a part of responsibility in seeking the proper solutions satisfying all MS – the main objective of this paper was to answer the question about the course and consequences of Hungarian referendum of 2016 for realization of the solidarity principle. The article aimed also at finding answers to the questions about the role of referendum on problematic/controversial issues in Hungary and about the factors impacting the voters decision.


This article is a part of a research prepared under a project “Common Values! Arguments, Counterarguments and Courses of Action in the German and Polish European Policy” realized by European Academy Berlin in co-operation with the AdamMickiewicz University in Poznań.


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