Remarks on the migration crisis as a challenge to the European Union in the twenty-first century


migration crisis
European Union

How to Cite

Sakson, A. (2019). Remarks on the migration crisis as a challenge to the European Union in the twenty-first century. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (13), 153–158.


Among the many crises tormenting the Old Continent, the course and consequences of the migration crisis that began in 2015 are particularly noteworthy. There following issues should be highlighted:

– the migration crisis manifests the internal weakness of the EU, since it has not been predicted, effectively neutralized nor managed properly;

– the migration crisis has produced a division inside the EU;

– the migration crisis has led to internal political and social crises in many EU countries;

– the migration crisis has produced far-reaching outcomes (such as increased populism and xenophobia, division of Europe into the East and the West).


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