The article analyzes the cultural and civilization specificity of the countries belonging to the Visegrad Group from the perspective of 15 years of membership in the European Union and the changes taking place at that time. It consists of two main parts. The first part shows the importance of Central Europe for the project and process of reintegration of Europe after the experience of division resulting from the operation of the „Iron Curtain” for several decades. The teachings of John Paul II about Europe and Europeanism, a figure recognized as an outstanding advocate of European unity from Central Europe, were mentioned. In the second part - referring to the results of empirical research conducted in Central Europe over the last three decades - the cultural and civilizational similarities between the nations of Central Europe (the Visegrad Group) and deep differences in relation to individual values, attitudes and identification were emphasized. Therefore we obtained a comprehensive image of the cultural and civilization identity of Central Europe, whose nations are in a dynamic process of integration with the nations of so-called „old Union”.
Publication financed under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name
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