The Cyprus Talks 2015–2017: Their Course, the Outcome, and Consequences for the European Union


the Cyprus question
Cyprus talks
the European Union
the United Nations

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Osiewicz, P. (2020). The Cyprus Talks 2015–2017: Their Course, the Outcome, and Consequences for the European Union. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (14), 141–151.


The main aim of the article is to present political consequences of the failure of the Cyprus talks 2015–2017 for the European Union. Although its institutions and representatives were engaged in the negotiation process there, the issue seems to be more complex when it comes to defining what their role was. One can find the answer to such a question analysing the course and the final outcome of the negotiation process in Cyprus.

The main research question are as follows: What was the course of bicommunal negotiations? What brought the negotiations to a halt in 2017? How did the European Union engage in the process? What are political consequences of the talks failure for the European Union? The selected method is sources analysis and the technique is qualitative content analysis. On this basis one can study, for example, selected speeches, declarations as well as official documents. As regards the main sources, these are selected EU and UN documents, monographs, and academic articles.


The article was written as part of a project co-founded by the Erasmus Programme of the European Union “Jean Monnet Center of Excellence EU EX/ACT- EU External Actions in the contested global order – (in)coherence, (dis)continuity, resilience”.


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