What After the Union? Poland and the (dis)Integration Processes in Europe
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the European Union

How to Cite

Niedźwiecki, A. (2020). What After the Union? Poland and the (dis)Integration Processes in Europe. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (14), 199–213. https://doi.org/10.14746/rie.2020.14.13


The purpose of this text is to pose a question about the Polish politics in a situation of possible deepening of (dis) integration tendencies within the European project. In fact, this work is an invitation to a debate on the process of defining country’s strategic goals, which may be come unavoidable in the event of decomposition phenomena in EU structures, for which many countries – including Poland – are currently not prepared. The development of new projects and models in this field may prove justified and necessary, as international institutions are less and less able to support the maintenance of peace, security and prosperity, and are increasingly associated with risks or losses in a broader sense. In the era of potential recession of supranational structures, the actions of bodies based on national legitimacy are more favourably viewed, perceiving these organisms as real entities that are capable of assuming responsibility for the fate of a given community in the crisis situations, which may mean distancing from the postulates of transferring competences to supranational level, for the sake of the Community response to transnational challenges.

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