The entire paper is dedicated to the theoretical indicators of systemic change in the European Union, envisaged for the period from 2014–2019. The author decided to perform an academic identification and analysis of selected terms, mainly neo-idealistic terms, that are helpful when explaining the changes taking place in the EU’s systems. It was important for the author to design a conjunctive conceptual framework for the purpose of developing empirical anti-crisis strategies, forecasts and scenarios of systemic changes. This framework is particularly important in the context of a Kantian methodological architecture of pure reason. This is based on a process of rational cognisance from ordered concepts, forming a single, coherent analytical system. It should be noted that the process of identifying the indicators (concepts) related to systemic change in the European Union has to take place, while maintaining methodological attentiveness both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Therefore, the author makes another analytical assumption for this paper, on the basis of his conviction that change which occurs as transformation (regulation and reshaping) should primarily take place under the influence of theories, ideas, visions or concrete indicators, rather than the constantly changing and reactive political activities of the actors/entities participating in the European integration process.References
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