The argument of power, or power of arguments? The European Union in international relations as a ‘soft power’
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European Uniosoft power
civilian power
normative power
foreign policy of the EU

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Barburska, O. (2016). The argument of power, or power of arguments? The European Union in international relations as a ‘soft power’. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (10), 335–352.


The article attempts to analyze how the European Union plays its distinctive international role as a so-called soft power. The paper takes into account the fact that the EU acts on its external environment using primarily of a political, diplomatic, economic and cultural means, and not through the use of ‘hard’ instruments of coercion (including the armed forces). The concept of the European Union as a ‘soft power’ serves as a starting point for the presentation of other theories directly related to it – in the first place the concept of the EU as a ‘civilian power’ and ‘normative power’ and other theories derivatives. They take into account various aspects of the specificity of the European Union as a unique participant in contemporary international relations, restraining from using military force and promoting democratic values.
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