Determinants shaping foreign policy priorities of the European Union towards Central Asia after 2012
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European Union
Common Foreign and Security Policy
EU–Central Asia

How to Cite

Przybylska-Maszner, B. (2016). Determinants shaping foreign policy priorities of the European Union towards Central Asia after 2012. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (10), 353–370.


Central Asia is not a priority for the European Union. Relations with the states in this region were established immediately after the former Soviet republics won independence but, despiteattempts at rapid advancement there, the results of mutual cooperation and mutual commitments have been unsatisfactory. The objective of this paper is to analyze the priorities of the European Union’s policy towards Central Asia after 2012. These priorities are viewed from the regional and national perspectives. The analysis studies a comprehensive range of legal documents to establish the framework of mutual relations and the broad range of mutual political declarations. The key elements of this analysis involve examining the determinants that have shaped the political priorities, the institutional mechanisms established for the purpose of political decision-making and the conduct of collaboration. The paper also looks at the main challenges faced in those areas of cooperation that are deemed crucial. The final part of the analysis leads to conclusions that make it possible to assess how feasible it is to implement EU policies in relations with Central Asian states.
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