The European Union’s position on the Global Humanitarian Summit
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World Humanitarian Summit
The European Union
United Nations
humanitarian aid

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Kaczmarek, F. (2016). The European Union’s position on the Global Humanitarian Summit. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (10), 413–428.


The first World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) was held in Istanbul on 23-24 May 2016. WHS was convened by the Secretary General of the United Nations, and organized by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The European Union is considered to be one of the key actors of humanitarian aid on a global scale. EU humanitarian action actually have a global dimension. In the sphere of humanitarian aid there is also a large coherence of the activities of the Union and its Member States. The summit was a showcase for the leading role of the EU in humanitarian aid. What was the position and expectations of the EU and its institutions to the summit? As the EU prepared for this event? What was the impact of the EU? In order to answer these questions, the author analyzes the preparations for the Summit of the EU institutions, the participation of representatives of the EU and assessments made in the EU. Expectations of the EU to the WHS were large and have not been realized, yet the Summit wasofficially recognized as successful.
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