Trees as a risk related to weather anomalies
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trees in urbanized space
windbreaks and fallen trees
trees and storms
hazard trees

How to Cite

Rosłon-Szeryńska, E. (2023). Trees as a risk related to weather anomalies. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, 15(64), 253–271.


Social awareness of the important role of trees in the natural environment and in the cultural landscape has existed for centuries, but it turns out to be extremely important today, in the era of progressive climate change. The multifaceted natural, social, health, cultural, aesthetic and economic benefits provided by trees, supported by many scientific studies, are converted into monetary values, which allows to effectively use their potential in building comfort and functionality of life in urban areas. For this reason, trees in many countries are considered a national good and the green capital of cities (Szczepanowska, Sitarski 2015), and the concept of “ecosystem services” and “green infrastructure” with trees in the main role is implemented in the spatial policy of territorial units around the world. The benefits of the presence of trees dominate the possible nuisance and losses caused by trees (Rosłon-Szeryńska 2019). Nevertheless, in Poland, one can notice many problems with trees in the space of human life. The main thread is the discussion on the security risk, and the number of decisions authorizing logging is increasing year by year. The threat to safety is currently one of the important reasons for the removal of trees (Krynicki, Witkoś 2016). It is related to the financial liability of the owner of the land for damage caused by the tree in case of negligence in its care and maintenance. The Nature Conservation Act (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1098) lists trees that threaten the safety of equipment, people or property as well as the safety of road, rail and shipping traffic, and the removal of which requires a permit from the commune without incurring fees. title. However, the lack of a method specifying the criteria of risk assessment contributes to many types of fraud. Identifying the threat and quantifying the risk associated with trees present in the cultural landscape is the basis of a properly functioning tree management system. Knowledge about the frequency and effects of falling and breaking trees allows you to make rational decisions adequate to the scale of the risk. The aim of the article is to present the problem of the threat posed by trees in Poland against the background of selected European and American countries. As part of the work, statistics of accidents and damage caused by trees during storms in the years 2000–2021 were compiled. A regional coefficient for the risk of windbreaks and overturning has been established. Own research proved that the number and effects of accidents in Poland are at a similar (low) level as in the world. Therefore, trees should be protected by taking care of their condition. Risk management guidelines are provided. The results of the research are to contribute to a better management of trees in urban areas, but also to the improvement of human living conditions in cities.
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