Identification of relations building the territorial capital in the perspective of adaptation to climate change in the Poznań Metropolis – lessons learned from the TeRRIFICA project
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territorial capital
climate change
social innovation

How to Cite

Herodowicz, T., Kaczmarek, P., & Morawska, J. (2023). Identification of relations building the territorial capital in the perspective of adaptation to climate change in the Poznań Metropolis – lessons learned from the TeRRIFICA project. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (65), 131–150.


Climate change is a global problem that requires adaptation actions at the local level, which are adjusted to the conditions and needs of a given area. In preparing adaptation actions, the territorial capital of a region can be used effectively. This study chooses to present the relationships between local actors of the five-element innovation helix model, building territorial capital, regarding the specific socio-economic development challenge of climate change adaptation. The article is based on the results of the TeRRIFICA (Territorial RRI Fostering Innovative Climate Action) project which was implemented in the period 2019–2022. The main objective of the project was to propose, based on the assumptions of the RRI and the helix model, future scenarios and appropriate climate actions improving climate change mitigation and adaptation at the level of six pilot European regions, including the Metropolis of Poznań. Based on the case study of the Metropolis of Poznań, this article presents the processes and interactions that take place within the territorial capital of a region in relation to climate change adaptation. It also demonstrates the importance of a socialized responsible research and climate change adaptation process, using social innovation.
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Projekt TeRRIFICA (Territorial RRI Fostering Innovative Climate Action) był finansowany ze środków programu Unii Europejskiej na rzecz badań i innowacji Horyzont 2020 w ramach umowy nr 824489.


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