In recent decades social and economic changes initiated the creation of favorable conditions for the development of a lifestyle based on two houses. The purpose of this article is to identify and classify the location factors that attract people to buy or build a “second home” in a particular place. The paper is divided into two sections. The first part presents a brief overview of international and national academic literature. As we found out, there are at least five groups of factors that affect the location of “second homes”. However, the two most important are the quality of the environment and landscape, including the potential for recreation, and efficient technical and road infrastructure that ensure transport accessibility. Moreover, it is important to recognize that there is a distinction between weekend homes, often located close to primary residence, and vacation homes situated independently of homeowner’s place of residence. The second part of the article describes the results of research conducted in 2012, in summer season. The main aim of this study was to recognize people’s opinions and identify the motives that led them to choose Brodnica District for the location of “second home”. The research allowed determining the spatial distribution of “second homes” and the way they are used. As we showed, the tourist attractiveness of the investigated area depends mainly on natural tourist attractions, developed technical infrastructure and a high level of transport accessibility. The majority of “second homes” clusters are situated near the towns Zbiczno, Górzno and Gaj-Grzmięca.
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