Public railway transport in Greater Poland Voivodeship
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railway transport in Poland
regional development
territorial cohesion
Greater Poland Voivodeship

How to Cite

Bała, D. (2018). Public railway transport in Greater Poland Voivodeship. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (22), 5–14. Retrieved from


The main goals of regional development policy is to ensure territorial cohesion. Fundamental role in its shaping plays an efficiently working transport infrastructure network. Construction of an efficient transport system is consistent with the adopted in Poland model of development. This paper characterizes the railway network in Greater Poland Voivodeship, through the definition of the main problems of rail transport. Were analyzed availability railway of main city county with the capital of Greater Poland Voivodeship, taking into account the current conditions of the infrastructure. Thinking about rail as an factor for the development of the Greater Poland Voivodeship requires not only investment in infrastructure, but most of all changes in the organization.

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