The protection of cultural and natural heritage as a base of sustainable development in Polish seaside communes on the example of Rewal Commune
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sustainable development
natural environment
Natura 2000

How to Cite

Terefenko, O., & Łonyszyn, P. (2018). The protection of cultural and natural heritage as a base of sustainable development in Polish seaside communes on the example of Rewal Commune. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (20), 123–136. Retrieved from


Baltic coast in Poland is the most attractive tourist region. A third of a Polish accommodation potential is concentrated in the coastal zone which doesn’t cover even half percent of the country. Community living in this area obtains its income mainly from tourism business. Rewal Commune is one of the most popular tourism destinations at the Polish coast. Sandy beaches, picturesque cliff seasides and well-known monuments like the ruins of a church from Middle Ages at the edge of the
seaside cliff, are the main attractions of the commune. Their expenses on protection of the natural environment you can count in millions of Euros. It’s all because of tourists. Tourism is by far the main source of income and the most important condition of the sustainable development in Rewal Commune. From the beginning of the self-government in Poland at the 1990s this commune is one of the country leaders in the field of investment expenditures. They’ve spent the money on a sewage treatment plant, water supply and gas networks and actions aimed to improve the image of the commune. Almost whole area of the Rewal Commune is within protected territories. There are Natura 2000 network areas, a waterfowl reserve on Liwia Łuża lake, and coastal protected space controlled by the Maritime Office. All together they strongly stipulate conditions and possibilities of making
any investments in the commune. This paper aims to show how much those restrictions seemingly threatening possibilities of development of the commune fated to live on tourism could be its chance to protect herself against negative impact of expansive mass tourism.

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