Transborder Cooperation of Local Communities at the External Border of the European Union: the Example of Karelia
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transborder cooperation
Finnish-Russian relations
external border of the European Union

How to Cite

Dyba, W. M., & Gonciarski, Łukasz. (2018). Transborder Cooperation of Local Communities at the External Border of the European Union: the Example of Karelia. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (16), 43–58. Retrieved from


The aim of this article is to present the results of a research concerning transborder cooperation that takes place in the Russian-Finnish borderland of the Karelia region. The analysis was based on empirical data gathered through a questionnaire method, conducted in three Finnish towns: Joensuu, Kitee, Ilomantsi. The obtained data enabled the authors to identify the character and intensity of various activities undertaken on the external border of the European Union. As a result, at the end of the article, future prospects of formal and informal integration and cooperation between  Finns and Russians are enumerated and described.

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