Rural areas in Poland in the context of an analysis of infrastructure’s and housing’s selected elements
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rural areas

How to Cite

Szymańska, D., & Biegańska, J. (2018). Rural areas in Poland in the context of an analysis of infrastructure’s and housing’s selected elements. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (14), 57–74. Retrieved from


The article refers to an analysis and an evaluation of changes in the technical infrastructure and housing in rural areas in Poland in the years 1995–2008. The article covered all rural and rural- urban (excluding urban parts) communes in Poland that altogether amount to 2,172 units (as of 2008). It was stated that in rural areas in Poland a population density increases and it is caused mainly by dynamic suburbanization processes and by a population’s movement from cities and towns towards suburban communes, in the less degree by a natural increment. In the article there were presented spatial differentiation of rural communes in: a length of the water-line and sewerage network per 100 km2; a share of water-line systems’ users and of sewerage systems’ users; a number of dwellings per 1000 population; a number of rooms per 1 person; the usable floor space of a dwelling inm2 per 1 person; a share of dwellings fitted with water-line system and a share of dwellings equipped with toilet. It was also shown that there are relationships between infrastructure’s and housing’s elements by proving positive as well as negative correlations.

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