Selected issues related to renewable energy developments in rural areas in Poland
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renewable energy sources
rural areas
human capital

How to Cite

Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., & Szymańska, D. (2018). Selected issues related to renewable energy developments in rural areas in Poland. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (14), 105–116. Retrieved from


The article presents the issues related to human factor and its quality as endogenous resources conditions the rural areas developments in the context of the renewable energy production. In the light of the obtained results is concluded that young people are more creative; they are leaders in innovation implementation. The study included communes, in which energy crops has been grown (as a source for biomass production) and those where power plants based on renewable energy sources are situated. In particular human factor, as a one of the endogenous resources, was analysed. The importance of the European Union funds as a source of finance investments connected with renewable energy sector was stressed. Moreover EU funds might be source of an additional income for rural people. For instance, increased biomass production from agricultural sources (energy crops) in Poland was motivated by the economic factors, namely a desire to increase income by receive energy crops funding (in the beginning from the state budget, and later the European Union structural funds). The consequence of taking action related to renewable energy is the implementation of sustainable development objectives.

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