Aktywność jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w powiecie poznańskim w pozyskiwaniu wsparcia z funduszy unijnych w latach 2004–2008
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regional policy
the Integrated Programme of Regional Development
Poznań poviat

How to Cite

Szkudlarek, K. (2018). Aktywność jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w powiecie poznańskim w pozyskiwaniu wsparcia z funduszy unijnych w latach 2004–2008. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (12), 53–78. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/rrpr/article/view/14474


The aim of the article is assessment of Poznan poviat local governments’ activity in obtaining the EU funding over the years 2004–2008. An attempt has been made to diagnose the role of the resources attainable within the Integrated Operational Programme of Regional Development in executing assignments undertaken by gminas. Analysis of the projects’ structure and an attempt of assessment of the activity, efficiency and effectiveness of the gminas’ authorities in Poznan poviat in obtaining financial aid within the IOPRD been made. IOPRD has been the most important device of regional policy in the first years of Poland’s membership in the European Union. What is more, the period of IOPRD’s functioning for local authorities has been a time of learning applying for the EU funding.

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