Characteristics and operation of subsidiary districts in the city of Poznań
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subsidiary units
reform of the subsidiary units in Poznań

How to Cite

Bul, R. (2018). Characteristics and operation of subsidiary districts in the city of Poznań. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (12), 79–95. Retrieved from


The aim of the study is the presentation of subsidiary districts in the city of Poznań. Poznań’s division into districts has been created by its citizens and is a result of their perception of the urban space. Unfortunately differences in the population and size of those units are too big, and the whole structure is inconsistent. The administrative tasks and powers of these units are also diverse. This problem causes difficulties in the daily operation of the units. The study identifies these difficulties by focusing primarily on their spatial aspect. In addition, a planned reform of the subsidiary units in Poznań is presented. The author indicates also the integrating role of the district units. They should serve not only administrative tasks, but should also integrate a district’s population.

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Źródła prawne

Ustawa z dnia 8 marca 1990 r. o samorządzie gminnym (Dz.U. 2001.142.1591 ze zm.). Statut Miasta Poznania (Dz. Urz. Woj. Wlkp. z 2003 r. nr 54, poz. 1014 ze zm.).