On the way from black towards green border triangle
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Border region
quality of environment and life
cross-border cooperation

How to Cite

Knippschild, K. (2018). On the way from black towards green border triangle. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (12), 149–164. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/rrpr/article/view/15072


Ateam of researchers at the Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development in Germany carried out an evaluation of processes of ecological revitalisation and of progresses in development of the Polish-German-Czech borderland together with Czech and Polish experts. Investigations focused on identification of indicators and on evaluation of quality of environment and life. In each country three types of settlements have been selected and investigated: rural, industrial and touristic. This paper summarises changes in the socio-economic and ecological situation in the period 1990–2006 in the area of the “black triangle”. The severe ecological situation of this area required intensive measures with cross-border character. Political changes allowed solutions and deepened cross-border contacts for joint concentration on environmental protection. Standards issued by the European Union provided objective guidelines for all three countries.Within a short period quality of natural environment enhanced considerably. External funding pushed on this process of revitalisation and contributed to a steady change of the region’s image to an attractive “green border triangle”. Enhancement of attractiveness and competitiveness of the Polish-German-Czech border region is not only dependent of EU funding but also a result of the will of cross-border cooperation, cross border utilization of resources, negotiating legal and mental barriers as well as generation of long-term win-win situations. Achallenge for the regions remains to develop this area into an economic, ecological and cultural valuable European region instead of becoming a transit region.

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