Standard and conditions of living in the countryside for example of Kowalów village
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housing conditions
access to services
functional-spatial deficits
peoples income and mobility
social relations

How to Cite

Głosińska, E. (2018). Standard and conditions of living in the countryside for example of Kowalów village. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (12), 165–179. Retrieved from


The aim of the publication is to determine standard and conditions of living of rural populations based on the analysis of survey made in Kowalów in 2009. Kowalów is the village located on the border area in Lubuskie province in the district Słubice, in the urban-rural community of Rzepin. Conditions of living was defined based on analysis of housing conditions, including, inter alia, technical infrastructure house equipment and adequate consumer durable, as well as the degree of access to services and the state of countryside management and charakter of social relations. The populations livings level is defined on the basis of analysis of income and mobility of residents. Research indicates a high livings conditions of Kowalów inhabitants. It’s especially refer to housing and access to basic services in the village. On the other hand, it should be emphasize that the level of house equipment in the sewage system and installation of natural gas is very low. The high conditions of living of Kowalów inhabitants doesn’t correspond with low Living standard of tested community – the low level of income and mobility of people.

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