Characteristics and significance of financial support for the development of East German states
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East German states
financial support
regional development

How to Cite

Pastuszka, S. (2018). Characteristics and significance of financial support for the development of East German states. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (42), 9–21. Retrieved from


This article aims to assess the most important directions and the importance of financial support for the development of the East Germany states (Länder). It presents the priorities of this assistance, discusses recorded in these states the most important economical, demographic and labor market changes.
The analysis found that the size, form and purposes of the financial support have changed. Initially, social expenditures and technical infrastructure were mainly co-financed. In the following years to a greater support focused on business sector as well as research, innovation and education institutions.
The assistance greatly contributed towards improving the basic infrastructure of the eastern federal states, had a positive impact on their economic structure transformation, creation of modern enterprises, increase of expenditures for research and development, increase in employment in non-agricultural sectors and labor productivity.

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