The design of “complete places” in process of teaching of urban planning
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projektowanie miejsc kompletnych
planowanie uspołecznione
projektowanie włączające i zorientowane na problemie

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Kaźmierczak, B., & Pazder, D. (2019). The design of “complete places” in process of teaching of urban planning. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (45), 123–139.


The paper presents selected issues related to the design of “complete places” – understood as friendly and socially attractive public spaces. The importance participatory planning and collaborative urban planning process is emphasized, because in Authors’ opinion that is the only way to elaborate spatial solutions meeting real social needs. The article presents the idea of complete places visioning which is an element of the didactic process carried out at the Faculty of Architecture of the Poznan University of Technology and as part of cooperation with the external environment. Presented example of a problem-based and collaborative learning seems to be a very useful tool for promoting the idea of socialized planning aiming at quality of public space improvement. There is presented a case study of long-term cooperation between academic institutes and the municipality of Tarnowo Podgórne. This cooperation turned out to be very successful thus it resulted in the erection of a complex of buildings of Civic Activation Centre in the middle of the village which is to integrate local community.
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