Defining development hybridization concept
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development hybridization
trajectories of hybridization
adaptation paths

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Drobniak, A. (2019). Defining development hybridization concept. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (45), 23–40.


The intention of this article is an attempt to define the concept of development hybridization, and launch a discussion on how this concept can enrich contemporary development concepts used in the regional economics and the economic geography. The article has a theoretical character and is based on the methodology of literature studies. The first part of the paper introduces the problem of hybridization of development in the context of contemporary globalization phenomena. The next part defines the concepts related to hybridization of development. Then, the sectoral and
40 Adam Drobniak
spatial approach to hybridization was analysed and a proposal was made for a general approach to the concept of development hybridization. The article ends with reflections on the impact of the hybridization of development on selected contemporary concepts of development used in the regional economics and the economic geography.
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