The position of science and technology parks within the regional innovative environment
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science and technology parks
models of STP
new technology based firms

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Marszałek, A. (2019). The position of science and technology parks within the regional innovative environment. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (45), 41–57.


In the knowledge-based economy the role of science and technology parks (STP), as one of the forces actively contributing to the significant changes occurring in the innovative environment, is constantly expanding. The main aim of the article is to show the position of STP within the regional innovative environment. The Author starts the article from presenting the short characteristics of the science and technology parks. Then, the models of their activity are broadly described. The special attention has been stressed on new technology based firms located within science and technology parks. The Author tries to present how their constantly growing role boosts the dynamics of the innovative environment. One of the consequences of such activities is accelerating the growth of the local economy, which should be the pivotal issue for all the stakeholders involved.
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