The article aims to identify the ways of monitoring of the regeneration activities used in regeneration programs in Wielkopolskie Voivodeship, allowing for effective evaluation of interventions. The research has shown the most common use of an indicator-based approach to the assessment of regeneration effects which assumes an analysis of the development measures indicated in a regeneration program. Therefore, the work reviews the indicators used for the assessment of regeneration effects at a local level, in various terms: social, economic, spatial-functional, technical and environmental. In addition, based on the analysis of case studies, it was also found to apply an economic approach, assuming the study of the relationship between inputs and effects, and in rare cases also a qualitative approach, consisting in determining the degree of satisfaction with the course of regeneration activities among local stakeholders. The research carried out in the Wielkopolskie Voivodship proves that the recent legislative changes have led to the unification of the system for monitoring the effects of regeneration. However, there is still a lack of verification of the adopted model.
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