The concept of slow city and its implementation in small cities of the metropolitan area. The example of Murowana Goślina and Schneverdingen
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slow city concept
Cittaslow network
local resources
development policy
local development
Murowana Goślina

How to Cite

Kaczmarek, U. (2019). The concept of slow city and its implementation in small cities of the metropolitan area. The example of Murowana Goślina and Schneverdingen. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (48), 119–145.


The main purpose of the work is to describe and evaluate the implementation of the slow city concept in small cities, located in the zones of influence of large cities. The research subjects are two cities, Murowana Goślina in the Poznań agglomeration (Poland) and Schneverdingen in the metropolitan area of Hamburg (Germany). The local resources of both cities were analyzed, such as: values of the natural environment, cultural heritage, economic functions, social and tourist infrastructure as well as urban policies related to obtaining a certificate of membership in an international organization such as the Cittaslow network. A number of similarities have been found for the abovementioned resources, while using them differently as factors for local development. Based on the results of social research (interviews with representatives of local authorities and a survey among residents), it was shown that in the process of implementing the slow city idea, elements of social capital, including the knowledge and determination of local authorities, as well as the awareness and commitment of residents play a key role.
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