Selected aspects of consumer preferences in the selection of gastronomic services. The case study of the Jeżyce estate in Poznań
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gastronomic services
food district

How to Cite

Kopacki, I., & Bogacka, E. (2020). Selected aspects of consumer preferences in the selection of gastronomic services. The case study of the Jeżyce estate in Poznań. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (50), 25–45.


Contemporary gastronomy fulfills important economic and social functions and is one of the most dynamically developing service activities. This is due to faster pace of life, higher wages and consumer convenience. The aim of this article is to present the consumers preferences in choosing a gastronomic establishment. As a case study Jeżyce estate in Poznań was chosen. An attempt was also made to answer the question whether, in the context of the analyzed area, we can talk about the so-called food district. For this purpose, the results of questionnaire (165 responses) and field inventory were used. Jeżyce estate has a great potential in the catering sector. The network of catering services has developed significantly in recent years. About 45% of Poznań’s gastronomic establishments are located in its small area, and their intensity is nearly 75 outlets/km2.
A study showed that consumers most often use catering services because they simply like to eat out and have a high need for socializing. The most important factor determining the choice is the quality of the goods served. Other factors are much less important. Almost 1/3 of consumers use the analyzed services very often, i.e. every day or several times a week. Restaurants and establishments offering drinks are the most popular. However, the average cost of a single visit is not high, as the vast majority of respondents spend between 10 and 30 PLN. The respondents consider Jeżyce estate be a food district, and the results of its construction are mostly positive, seeing, among others, revitalizing this part of Poznań, attracting people to this area, increasing the culinary attractiveness and competitiveness of gastronomic services. At Jeżyce estate, we are dealing with a very well-educated and functioning food district, which is in the mature stage of development.
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