Currently, social capital is an increasingly important factor in socio-economic development, due to the important role it plays in the process of diffusion of knowledge and innovation (Chojnicki, Czyż 2004, Churski 2008, Dominiak, Konecka-Szydłowska 2012, Churski et al. 2018). The aim of the article is to analyze the diversity of social capital in Poznań agglomeration and its changes in 2009–2019. Two research questions were subordinated to the main goal: (1) What is the level of social capital in the Poznań agglomeration and what changes took place in the years 2009–2019? (2) What is the differentiation in the level of social capital in the core – periphery of the Poznań agglomeration and have there been any major changes in this respect? Social capital research was conducted on the basis of published data and questionnaire interviews with the inhabitants of the agglomeration. The indicators used in the analysis correspond to the three components of social capital identified in the literature: structural (networks, social groups and institutions), regulatory (general trust and trust in local authorities) and behavioral (social participation, cooperation, assistance). The empirical analysis carried out allowed establishing regularities regarding both diversity in the level and dynamics of development of individual components of social capital between the agglomeration core – Poznań and the peripheral zone. The results of the conducted research confirm the increase of the social capital resources, which is important in the context of their role in the socio-economic development in the era of modern economy. In a general approach, a higher level of social capital in the aspect of the regulatory and behavioral component was recorded in the peripheral agglomeration zone.
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