Assessment of changes taking place in the level of innovation development in the automotive industry in Poland against the background of European Union countries
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research and development
automotive industry

How to Cite

Stojczew, K. (2020). Assessment of changes taking place in the level of innovation development in the automotive industry in Poland against the background of European Union countries. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (51), 77–87.


The automotive industry is one of the pillars of the Polish economy, having a large share in generating gross value added, maintaining jobs and contributes to increasing expenditure on implementing innovation. After a few weaker years caused by the recent financial crisis, we can see that the Polish automotive industry, and especially the expenditure on innovation, which is the merits of the problem analyzed in this paper, is increasing. The priority goal of the study is to evaluate the structure of innovation type and expenditure incurred for its implementation in the automotive sector in 2015–2017. The subject of the study are companies operating in the industry on an international scale, as well as on the domestic Polish market. Based on the available data, a critical analysis of source materials was carried out, the structure of expenditure on research and development activities was analyzed, expenditure on innovation in the industry was examined, and the market situation was assessed in the field of implementing highly innovative solutions.
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