1st generation bicycle-sharing system in the 21st century – case study of Krotoszyn
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cycling policy
bicycle sharing system

How to Cite

Kwiatkowski, M. A., & Jadwiga. (2021). 1st generation bicycle-sharing system in the 21st century – case study of Krotoszyn. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, 14(57), 207–219. https://doi.org/10.14746/rrpr.2021.57.14


Bike sharing systems have been growing as a mode of transport in cities, providing a sustainable alternative to motorised transport. The solution has evolved over the years, moving through various stages of development from the 1960s to the present. The different generations of bike sharing systems responded to the needs and technical capabilities of their time – from unsecured 1st generation bicycles made available to residents on a community trust basis, to 4th generation bicycles equipped with security and advanced mobility solutions. Bike sharing systems, regardless of their generation, are also part of the sharing economy, which assumes that many users can share the same goods.

This paper presents an example of a bicycle-sharing system implemented in 2017 in Krotoszyn (Wielkopolskie Voivodeship, Poland) based on 1st generation principles known from the 1960s. It also assesses whether the introduction of a trust-based system for residents can be successful. As demonstrated, these solutions are based on several important pillars, including local government experience, rational calculation and planning, and public education.

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