Agro-ecosystems potential for natural pest control. Analysis at the landscape level for Poland
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natural pest control,
ecosystem services
sustainable agriculture

How to Cite

Łowicki, D. (2022). Agro-ecosystems potential for natural pest control. Analysis at the landscape level for Poland. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (61), 11–22.


Small semi-natural habitats, especially mid-field trees, play a significant roles in the agricultural landscape. One of them is natural pest control. This function is because tree plantings are the habitat of organisms that are natural enemies of crop pests, i.a., predatory insects and parasitoids. In intensively managed agricultural landscapes, plant protection relies heavily on chemicals, increasing production costs and environmental pollution. Strengthening natural pest control can help improve food security while reducing pressure on biodiversity and the environment. At the same time, midfield trees increase the effectiveness of other services, such as pollination or climate regulation. There have been significant advances in mapping ecosystem services recently, but natural pest control is one of the least explored topics. This study aims to present the spatial variability of the potential and demand for this service, pointing to those parts of Poland where the need to protect mid-field trees is greatest. A landscape approach was applied, taking into account not only the share of shelterbelts but also the size of the patches, their shape, and the size of the ecotone zone. The results and the methodology developed here can be used to formulate policies and strategies aimed at increasing biodiversity and ecosystem services. This research can also be the basis for activities supporting sustainable agriculture, e.g., the appropriate allocation of funds from the Rural Development Program.
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Badania zostały przeprowadzone w ramach projektu „Usługi świadczone przez główne typy ekosystemów w Polsce – Podejście stosowane”. Projekt korzysta z dofinansowania otrzymanego od Islandii, Liechtensteinu i Norwegii w ramach funduszy EOG o warto- ści 6 454 526 zł oraz dofinansowania budżetu państwa o wartości 1 139 034 zł. Celami Projektu są przeniesienie wiedzy naukowej na temat usług ekosystemowych istniejącej w Europie do procesu rozpoznania i oceny usług ekosystemowych w Polsce, zwiększenie potencjału naukowego oraz zdolności administracji i zainteresowanych grup społecznych do wdrażania tego podejścia w zarządzaniu środowiskiem.


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