Analysis of Baukultur concept criteria in the cities of North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg-West Pomera
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sulture of space
site quality criteria
public space
green areas
cultural and natural heritage

How to Cite

Akincza, M., & Gadomska, W. (2023). Analysis of Baukultur concept criteria in the cities of North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg-West Pomera. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, 15(64), 169–187.


In January 2018, the Davos Declaration “Towards high-quality Baukultur for Europe” was adopted. It was signed by the Culture Ministers of various European countries. The Baukultur concept covers every human activity that changes built space and it relates to different scales. The Declaration lists eight criteria of place quality: Sense of Place, Functionality, Diversity, Economy, Environment, Context, Governance and Beauty. The research concerns selected cities from two regions of Germany: Kempen, Straelen, Hallenberg, Warburg, Krefeld Linn, Parchim, Grabow, Güstrow. The article describes in detail three selected criteria for Diversity, Environment and Beauty. Many benefits for society resulting from the high-quality culture of space have been indicated. Attention was paid to the holistic approach to solutions concerning both public space in the city, the development of various forms of green areas, as well as landscape issues of suburban zones. A holistic approach to the space built in the presented cities combines contemporary architecture with historical tissue as well as cultural and natural heritage. Respecting traditional forms of greenery and complementing them with new planting contributes to preserving the local character of the place in the towns in question. A high awareness of the influence of greenery on the quality of life results in appropriate planning and management of green areas in the city, including within the old part of the city. A thoughtful green space policy improves the quality of life in a city.
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