The aim of the article is to illustrate the issues of soil protection in the agricultural production process in the light of the implemented common agricultural policy for 2023–2027 (CAP 2023–2027). The study indicates the possibilities of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and increasing the resources of organic matter in the soil through changes in agricultural policy, with particular emphasis on the need to protect soil and combat climate change. Practices promoting soil protection were presented, both in the EU agricultural policy and national regulations. Particular attention was paid to carbon farming, which is a form of managing carbon reservoirs at the farm level. It should be emphasized that in the new CAP, legal instruments for environmental protection and counteracting climate change in the context of the agricultural model adopted in the European Union have been significantly strengthened. Carbon farming promotes practices that are good for soil health. Healthy soils are the basis for achieving climate neutrality, a clean and circular economy and stopping desertification. They are key to reversing biodiversity loss, providing healthy food and protecting human health. Carbon farming translates not only into environmental benefits, but also into tangible financial benefits for farmers. The Farm to Fork Strategy, the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and the European Union Soil Protection Strategy 2030 are of particular importance for the future of the agricultural sector, especially in the context of soil protection.To achieve the aim of the study, the analysis of subject literature and source materials as well as the descriptive and comparative method were used as research methods.
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